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A debate on drugs in Ravenna

Residents at the end of their proram of recovery in the Community who have chosen to tell their stories to students only a few years younger.
Passes by Ravenna, the prevention campaign Wefree, that travels every year, for the duration of the school term throughout Italy, with debates and discussions in schools.

This time it’s the students of the third medium Montanari school, Don Minzoni and the first classes of ITC Ginanni, which thanks to the contribution ofFondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Ravenna monday 1 dicember starting at 9 at the Palace of Congressi –Largo Firenze, hear the stories of Melita e Nicolò.
After the story of their experiences, the people in the group WeFree will engage in a dialogue with students, answering questions and deepening the themes suggested by the audience.
Il progetto finanziato dalla Fondazione si articola in 4 shows and 2 debates – 3 shows have already been made in Ravenna, Faenza and Imola, and a show is in anticipation for December 16 in Riolo Terme-, also already scheduled is the next meeting which is to be held in Lugo December 4.

It is not always easy to tell but through the project Wefree the residents of the Community they try to pass on their experience to prevent others from committing the same mistakes.
The story creates a special dialogue with the students, a passage of experiences that may help to understand the false illusion sold by the drug and share insecurities and uncertainties that every adolescent experiences.
Dialogue can also continue on the web thanks to the site


13 January 2015