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When the real monster is the drug

The San Patrignano community intervenes when a young 23-year-old dies after a party in Rome where drugs and alcohol were involved.

Drugs and violence, violence and drugs. Are two phenomena’s that are increasingly intertwined and what happened in Rome is further proof of the unspeakable madness. At San Patrignano we know this subject all to well, so we will devote this year’s WeFree Days 2016 to this very issue, our event dedicated to prevention.

Rome – The theme of the party being cocaine and alcohol was normal talk among the thirty-year-olds, so we can’t act surprised when things end in violence. The killer was caught saying, “I was seeing monsters,” but in reality it’s the drugs that are the monster and those using them are always at risk of becoming one.

The State does nothing but underplay the culture of getting high, which is becoming all the more prevalent, without realizing the effects of not being involved is gravely drifting our society towards increased drug addiction. What happened is just the standard normalization of the use of drugs, which is spoken about less and less, but instead it must be fought and brought forward.

Unfortunately we are always concerned when a tragedy occurs and we would like to consult and listen to institutions more like those who are committed everyday to finding adequate responses to these problems. We meet over 50 thousand students every year and we all know what there is a need for clear and precise prevention projects, an investment in the future for our youth.

12 April 2016