Accepting requests for help and trying to offer concrete solutions have always been the main focus of San Patrignano’s mission.
If you have a problem linked to drug abuse and need help in starting a rehabilitation programme please visit the Admissions page or get in touch with us directly via the Contacts page. If on the other hand, you have a family member, friend or acquaintance with a drug problem currently serving a prison sentence and you want to know about alternative measures please visit An Alternative to Prison page.
Staying at the community and the entire therapeutic programme are provided completely free of charge, for both the young residents and their families. The only requirement is that those admitted are fully determined to end their relationship with drugs forever and willing to radically challenge themselves, grow and change.
It is however, very important to point out that due to the particular characteristics of our programme we are unable to treat psychiatric problems and disorders, which given their very nature imply the need for either medical, pharmacological and/or restrictive assistance, eating disorders or alcoholism as they too require different kinds of assistance and treatment.
If on the other hand, you came across these pages while looking for answers to your doubts or queries on drug addiction the for parents, Medicine and Health and Drug information pages could help you. The issues these sections deal with include scientific information on drugs, problems linked to illnesses, legal aspects and the sometimes difficult parent/child relationship.