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The Associations

A supportive network

Over the years, through the efforts of thousands of families and former drug addicts who have completed their program, a national scale network of anti-drug voluntary organizations, has developed working closely with San Patrignano. They are entrusted with a triple role: providing a reference point, counseling and supporting to motivate people wishing to embark on a recovery program; as well as following and facilitating social and occupational reintegration to those who have concluded it; divulgating through prevention and information campaigns, the knowledge and awareness on the drugs problems. The fundamental role of the associations is to involve the families of the community’s residents in the educational process of their loved ones, carefully following their evolution and laying the base, through weekly meetings, intended for an harmonious development of relations in view of the residents’ reintegration into society. Relatives of the community’s residents, should participate to activities, on a voluntary basis, and a part from a symbolic membership fee, it is not required from them to give any form of contribution.

Our identity

For us, addicts are not sick or unrecoverable, destined to live until death with their condition. We see them rather as unique and unrepeatable individuals, full of abilities and potentials that need to be rediscovered learning how to express them. For this reason, when they ask us for help, we never look at the harm they have done to themselves and to others because of their condition. We look at the good that might be done. It is not the pity for their mistakes to push us to love them, rather their ability to wonder and be passionate, the beauty and mystery of such sensitivity and talent that had all been hidden by pain, fear and loneliness.

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