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Category: Hallucinogen

Claviceps Purpurea Rye

Are fungi that grow on rye and other grasses and from which you get ,chemically synthesizsed, lysergic acid diethtlamide, better known as LSD. Consists of a white powder , which is transformed into liquid for the street market. Generally sold in liquid form, absorbed into paper and sold as thumbnails and stamps or in sugar cubes.
LSD is one of the drugs that require a minimal amount to produce its effects.

Street names

There are lots of names , the most used is “acid”, others are “trip”, “pink jesus”, “the chief”, etc.
“acid house parties” is a term typically used in Europe to describe a party based on LSD.

Mechanism of action

As for the mechanism of action of LSD at present there are no certainties only hypothesis’; those considered most credible are the following:

  • – Action “antagonist” LSD on serotonin;
  • – Action “agonist” LSD on the receptors of serotonin (from which derives an excessive stimulation of neurons to seratonin transmission, located in the raphe nucleus);
  • – Action “agonist” LSD on tryptamine receptors for dopamine.

LSD produces most of its effects by activating receptors for serotonin in the brain stem and elsewhere
LSD is an hallucinagenic drug that seeks to obtain a confused sensory state in the user. The consumption of LSD induces auditory and visual hallucinations, in general, it distorts and contorts ones perception of reality and time.
The effects of LSD vary greatly both on the basis of dose and also by the surroundings of the user.

Emotional Reactions

Varies greatly from individual to individual.
They range from those who claim to become more “conscious” of himself who decribes the “journey” as a mystical or religious experience. A sensation of leaving the body is also very common. To unpleasant or terrifying experiences that appear to be due to the fact that the taker is in an anxious or depressed state. LSD can also provoke panic or paranoia around strangers, also intense and chaotic experiences.


There are no desciptions of physical dependence and consequent withdrawl symptoms linked to the use of LSD nor in the number of deaths by overdose, despite the fact that many deaths instead are described as the result of being under the influence of the substance.
It is, however, very important the phenomenom of psychological dependence.


Like with other hallucinagens, the user runs the risk of so called “terror trips”. Once the substance is consumed there is no going back and given that the duration is long, about 12 hours or more on the basis of dose, taking LSD can result in terrifying and unpleasent hallucinations that persist till the end of the “trip”.

Unique charateristics

There is essentially: flashbacks, re-experiencing a “trip” even years after the last dose, and the incapacity to distinguish between percetion and reality that can lead to the over estimation of their abilities (eg. the thought of being able to fly, ect)