A charity dinner that soon turned into a great celebration of the Parma cuisine. About thirty chefs came down from Parma to San Patrignano, giving life to a dinner that delights the taste of all the youths of the community and about 300 guests who decided to share the evening with them.
Head of chefs was Massimo Spigaroli, of the Antica Corte Pallavicina, with Silvano and Fabio Romani of the Romani restaurant; in addition, the Parma Quality Restaurants consortiums, have arrived to give a helping-hand to the youths of San Patrignano, creating a high-level training day for the youths in program.
A dinner that has exalted the flavors of Parma, has began with a rich tasting of Parma salami, Parmesan cheese and pickled vegetables, following the Parmigiana gazpacho with the Scrigno di Parma tart, stuffed veal tip on vegetable lasagnetta for second and finally chef Claudio Gatti’s dessert: the Easter Colomba focaccia.
“We are very happy and satisfied to have come to San Patrignano to do our job and to put it at service of others – said Massimo Spigaroli – It was nice to see the joy of the youths that were discovering how tasteful was the meal.The excitement we have while preparing dinner is as much as that of seeing them taste our food “. An emotion that many have chosen to share with the community.
“The beauty is that all of Parma decided to participate in this event – explains the volcanic Silvano Romani – In the kitchen it was a real party, it seemed like Christmas or Easter. The joy of the San Patrignano youths was moving and was contagious; and so said his nephew Fabio Romani: “The most naive in the kitchen were us, since we are not used to cook for so many people all in once, but the youths of San Patrignano were wonderful”.