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Many “Dreams” for 2016 for the residents of San Patrignano.

“The dream show”

This is the title of the show in which the residents of San Patrignano waved 2015 good-bye and welcomed 2016.

The entire artistic hub of the community unites on stage whixh is comprised of the Theatre Company, the Sanpa Singers, the Sanpa Group and the dancers.
Together they willingly entertained the audience of 1300 residents in the auditorium at San Patrignano. Ironic and funny, “The dream show” was a journey of dreams.

Together with laughter and applause, the dreams of the young couple have in fact come to life in forms of ballets, sketches, songs and monologues that continue until midnight with the classic countdown and toast for the new year. In the air the hope and dreams of the residents of the community will come true in 2016.

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4 January 2016