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Letizia Moratti: Milan is the head city for adopting positive economic indexes

“I hope that my hometown, Milan, may be the first to adopt the positive economic indexes, which are positive indicators that measure the performance of cities in relation to finance, education, positive participation and the positive use of resources when municipals investment in the integration of young people, care for the elderly and the air quality.”

Letizia Moratti recalled how in 2050, there will be almost 6 billion people living in cities around the world. “The city – she added – can and should play a vital role in asserting a new model of economic and social development. The time has come for change. With her onstage at the opening of the forum, are economist Jacques Attali, President of Positive Economy Forum and Andrea Cangini, Director of QN – Quotidiano Nazionale.


7 April 2016