FA.NE.P | Associazione Famiglie Neurologia Pediatrica (Family Association of Pediatric Neurology). The FA.NE.P. is a voluntary association that operates in the Healthcare arena.It was founded in 1983 by parents of children afflicted by neuropsychological diseases and medical and paramedical staff of the Pediatric clinic of Neurology Gozzadini University of Bologna.C/O Clinica Pediatrica Gozzadini Via Massarenti, 11 – 40138 Bologna Tel. 051.346744 – Fax 051.304839 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.fanep.org |
ABA | Associazione per lo studio e la ricerca sull’anoressia, la bulimia, i disordini alimentari e l’obesità (The Association for the Reseach and Study of Anorexia, Bulimia, Eating Disorders and Obesity). The ABA, a non-profit association, has been involved for over 10 years in research, prevention and assistence , in the field of Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity. Present in all the major Italian cities, the ABA represents the first real association that atempted to bridge the gap between the people suffering from these problems – who all to often refuse help – and the association helpful in resolving these problems. The ABA effectivly performs by consuting with private sector and public institutions with which they have a relationship.Numero verde: 800.16.56.16 Milano: via Solferino, 14 Tel. 02.659.659.5 – – Fax ROMA: via Giambullari, 8 Tel. – Fax e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.bulimianoressia.it |
AIDAP | Associazione Italiana Disturbi dell’Alimentazione e del Peso (The Italian Association for Eating and Weight disorders). AIDAPIs an independant, autonomous and non-profit association. Whose aim is to disseminate a scientific knowledge of eating and weight disorders.Via Sansovino, 16 – 37138 Verona Tel 045-8103915 – Fax 045-8102884 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.positivepress.net/aidap |
CCRDCA | Centro per la Cura e la Ricerca sui Disturbi del Comportamento Alimentare (Center for the Treatment and Study of Eating Disorders). The center offers a pulic service, paid for by the national health care, of outpatient and day hospitals for people who suffer from eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia).Presso Azienda Unità Sanitaria Locale Lecce 1 via Miglietta 5, 73100 Lecce tel.0832-215697 |
C.I.D.A.P. | Centro Italiano Disturbi Alimentari Psicogeni (Italian Center for Psychogenic Eating Disorders). The C.I.D.A.P. has been operating since 1993 and is a non-profit association, formed by professionals and researchers, combining resources, have created a center for the research, treatment and prevention of these diseases that are becoming more and more widespread.Via Arturo Graf, 46 int. 2 – Roma Tel. 06/8689.6825 – Fax 06/86896825 e-mail: [email protected] Web site: www.cidap.net |
Mondo Sole | MondoSole è un Centro di Cura, Riabilitazione e Reinserimento Sociale (Mondosole is a center for Treatment, Rehabilitation and Social Reintergration). Mondosole is a center for traetment, rehabilitation and social reintegration in which people with eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia and Obesity), other than find treatment specific to their problem, a location where they are able to spend their days free from family tensions and their regular routines. A center where paople with similar problems can gather and to also help with social and emotional reintergration, where you are able to treat and cure the disease of which you suffer and to reorganize your life. Sharing this course of treatment with people who suffer from the same disease, makes the concept of healing not just an individual goal but extends to a group project.
Office MondoSole |