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Donate Now

San Patrignano belongs to everyone. Also to you.
San Patrignano is free of charge to its residents and for their families.
Your support is crucial: help us help. We constantly inform and update on all our initiatives and above all what we do with your help.

There are many ways to support San Patrignano and one is by donating, through which you can take advantage of tax benefits.

For information, contact the offices of San Patrignano Community + 39 0541 362 111

Donate Online with Credit Card, Paypal or Bank SDD

Other ways to donate


Bank account

IBAN IT89H0100524200000000002827
BNL – Banca Nazionale del Lavoro
Comunità San Patrignano Società Cooperativa Sociale

Postal account

n. 610410 of Comunità San Patrignano Società Cooperativa Sociale, via San Patrignano, 53 – Coriano – 47853 (RN)


For informations please call Donor Care Office + 39 0541 362 247 or write an email to [email protected]