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Europe: we must act now for a positive economy

In the context of Europe, its prospects for a more sustainable growth and attention to the needs of smaller companies saw the intervention of Paul Jorion, anthropologist and internationally renowned economist. « Here too, as in Paris and across Europe, the world is polluted: at sea there is more plastic than fish». According to Jorion «today the richest people are richer, while the poor are worse. We have given everything to speculation». The French anthropologist is convinced that our rulers do not have the ability to look beyond the present: “Plato said that politicians should be first of all philosophers. Our society, however, is unable to think about the future. Welcome then to the values of a positive economy, but we must act now».
From his point of view, Walter Radermacher, Director-General of Eurostat, explained that the big problem is the lack of employment: «This has halted the social programs of some of the European countries. In addition, explained Radermacher, in 2013 we found ourselves in front of the Greece, whose economy did not fit within the parameters». Eurostat’s Director pointed out that the European Commission’s strategy for the coming years, will Center on employment growth, jobs and investment. «You have to get past the current concept of GDP, providing indicators that define the quality of life, the needs of families, the level of happiness». All things in strong contradiction with European choices and Eurostat to also include criminal activities and drug smuggling in the European domestic product.

10 April 2015