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The importance of training for the young

«We are at the tail end of the European community, when it comes to the creation of what we call soft skills». Claudio Corbino, president and founder of the Diplomats Association, was welcomed to the WeFree Days 2015 and the forum “The future of youth: proposals for moving forward», where he denounces the lack of investment and innovation for the formation of new skills, considered necessary to increase productively in the workplace. Corbino high lighted the need for adaptable structures and the lack of a point of reference to guide the youth of today in the professional training needed in the new economy. He reiterated the need to create tools that compensate for these shortcomings in the Italian education system : « Our experience has taught us a lot. We understand that our society is going through a period of crisis, but the response of our institutions, is indequate. We have created, in collaboration with the United Nations, an international project, the laboratory of the United Nations, which has invited over 2000 young people from some 110 countries around the world to immerse themselves in the role of an Ambassador. The boys and girls have had to confront some of the classical themes related to this activity: immigration, sustainable resources, preservation of the environment. The experiment highlighted similarities and differences between people from culturally different countries working together. For example, one thing bringing all these young people together is the desire for change, but it is equally clear that we Italians are far behind in the expertise needed such as the skills like communication, analysis, knowledge of different languages, leadership and especially computer skills. When we think that by the year 2020 there will be at least 16 million new jobs based on information technologies and linguistics, and over 90% require at least the bsics in these two fields».
The 38 year old from Catania continued with his proposal for our institutions: «Since we continue to squander hundreds of millions of dollars in unnecessary training courses, we must create a Rating Agency, that uses figures based on know moral and professional limits possibly also abroad, to see if these courses are really adapted to the demands of working in this world. We also believe that the authority regarding immigration issue should go to the Ministry of labour. There are so many high profile professionals who are fleeing from conflict and poverty. We have to create specific projects realated to training and integration.Like they do in Germany». At the end of his participation Claudio Corbino personally gave to 11 children, kids of responsibles of the community of San Patrignano, a certificate of participation in the project ‘Change the World Model United Nations’. These are the names of young people who have attended the course, held in New York, at the UN.: Giovanni Boschini, Diego Chianese, Lucrezia Cozzini, Mattia Fornari, Ingrid Isidoro, Isabella Lotti, Lorenzo Mazzulla, Letizia Petris, Millie Poli Fardella, Eva Russi Di Marco.

Cloudio Corbino at the Wefree Days


15 October 2015