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Twists, stories of life and rebirth at Ikea

Meeting with the guys of WeFree, the San Patrignano prevention project in the Rimini store of  Ikea

Greta is a lonely insecure little girl, her parents had separated when she was small. She grew up in an extended family where she often felt alone, set aside, in second place. Ivan, however, is a single son, good at school and at home. He had everything: friends, attentions, amusements. But gradually, for fear of not being up to expectations, he begins to raise walls around him. Two guys, two very different stories that come unexpectedly to meet on a common ground: that of addiction.

They are residents of San Patrignano who on Saturday, November the 11th, will be protagonists of the meeting “Twists. Life Stories” at the Ikea Rimini store. An initiative open to all, with a collaboration between Ikea and San Patrignano that through the deposition of two residents at the end of their recovery program, have means of prevention for the WeFree project.

Ivan and Greta will animate a round table on addictions and various forms of youth disorder with the aim of making clear the behaviors at risk and the dangers of substance abuse.

The WeFree project each year involves about 50,000 students and is based on the forty-year experience of San Patrignano. Knowing the usefulness of information on the risks associated with the use of substances, WeFree’s team has created projects through (shows, school meetings an debates) capable of responding to requests from educational agencies, organizations, companies or foundations, that have on their hearts the lives of teenagers. Since 2002, the residents of the community carry all their direct depositions throughout Italy with a message of a positive and responsible lifestyle.

The meeting is scheduled at 5 pm at the Rimini restaurant’s dining area.

4 November 2017